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The equation for finding the circumference of a circle is C=2πr.

C= Circumference.

π= Pi (3.14).

r= Radius.

Therefore, C=2π(20), so C=125.66.

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14y ago
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7y ago

The formula for size and circumference is pi x diameter. Let's work that backwards. If the circumference is 20, divide that by pi (3.14) that will give you the diameter. We know that the radius is half of the diameter, so take the answer you just got, divide by 2, and that will be the radius.

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12y ago

The formula for circumference of a circle is pi * 2 * r

pi = 3.14159

r = 20

C = 2*20*3.14159 = 125.6636

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13y ago

C = 2πr

C = 2π * 20

C = 40π or 125.6637 units.

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14y ago


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