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66.633 mm

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Q: What is the circumference of a nickel?
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What is the circumference of a nickel in cm?

US nickels have a diameter of 21.21 mm. The formula for a circumference is pi x D where D is the diameter. For a nickel that's 21.21 x 3.14159 = 66.63 mm. Divide by 10 and you get 6.663 cm.

If the diameter of a nickel is 21 millimeters what is the circumference?

To find the circumference of the nickel, you can use the formula C=πd. Where C is the circumference and d is the diameter. π is a special constant with a value approximately equal to 3.14. Substituting your numbers into the equation gives you C≈3.14(21) or C=65.94 square mm.

What measurement do you use to measure a coin?

well it depends. The material coins are made of is different. Nickel or copper. Therefore pounds. OR The circumference. Diameter X Pi.(3.141...).

What is the surface area of a nickel?

The Surface Area of a Sphere = 4pi r 2I believe this formula is the same for a nickel, as a nickel falls into the "circle" or "sphere" category.Actually it is the formula 2B+Ch because the nickel is technically a cylinder that is really short so it uses the cylinder formula and NOT the sphere formula.B is the area of the base or a face of the nickel. Doubling it counts for the other base and C is the circumference of the base. h is the height of the whole thing. A nickel's surface area is (2)(3.14)(1.052)+(3.14)(2.1)(0.15). Figure out the rest yourself.

Is the radius one fourth of the circumference?

No. It is circumference/(2*pi)No. It is circumference/(2*pi)No. It is circumference/(2*pi)No. It is circumference/(2*pi)

What is the circumference of a loonie?

A circumference is 4

Why is circumference equal to 2 times Pi times r?

circumference=pi circumference=pi circumference=pi

What is the circumference of a circle with the radius of 43?

Circumference = 2pi*r Circumference = 86pi

If circle circumference is 12 what is the radius?

Circumference = 12Diameter = Circumference/piRadius = Diameter/2 = circumference/(2 pi) = 1.9099 (rounded)

What is the formula of a circumference?


What is the circumference of 7.8cm?

circumference = 24.5

Circumference in a sentence?

circumference of the tire.