If it is a collection of 50 cent coins, it could be worth a lot, or not that much. It depends on the dates of the coins and the condition. 50 cent coins from before 1965 are worth more because they are 90% silver.
The collection and/or study of coins is called Numismatics.
Numismatics is the study of and collection of . . . . money: coins, bills, and so forth.
This question is not very specific and, therefore, the answer is going to be a bit creative (hope you don't mind!). Make a normal square with 9 coins (3 x 3) and then stack the left over coins however you like on the 9 coins! :-)
The noun numismatics is the study or collection of coins, paper currency, and medals.
If there are 14 rows in the triangle, then there are 14*(14-1)/2 coins in the arrangement, i.e. 91 dimes. To find the value of the collection, simply multiply by the value of a dime. I believe this is 10 cents, so the coins are worth 910 cents, or $9.10.
Collection of coins is called collection of cons only n there is no specific word for it. It is different from numismatics as numismatics is the systematic study of coins. Mere collection of coins cannot be called as numismatics.
Alisha had 822 coins.
what is the value of these coins
A group of coins is generally referred to as a collection, a set, or a pile of coins.
numismatist for the person and numismatics for the collection this is a google question
If it is a collection of 50 cent coins, it could be worth a lot, or not that much. It depends on the dates of the coins and the condition. 50 cent coins from before 1965 are worth more because they are 90% silver.
A collection of coins answer this this is the answer
There is no standard collective noun specifically for antique coins.The most common noun used is a collection of antique coins.The standard collective nouns for coins are a roll of coins and a roleau of coins.
New Zealand
The British 50 Pence to 1 Penny coins when properly arranged, show the Royal Shield. The One Pound coin shows the entire Royal Shield.