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Q: What is the combination to locker 303 at brooks middle school?
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During middle school, do you have to change in front of everyone in the locker room"?

No, changing in front of everyone in the locker room during middle school is not required.

Where do you get the twisted wizard game on poptropica?

its at the school in his locker and the combination for his locker is 9,37,15

How do you get the locker combination for gregs locker?

You get it on the pine tree to the right of Greg's school.

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Where is Gregs locker combination at?

On the tree where you have to jump on to get into the school

What is the combination for the locker in the school?

So kids dont break into your locker and steal all your stuff.

How do you get ready for middle school?

Make sure you have all school supplies and get a lock for your locker.

Do you get a locker in Carmel Valley Middle school?

I went to CVMS and there are no lockers there.

What is the locker combination?

Your locker combination is whatever the school gives you, and if you forget, then go up to the school office and ask for a copy of it.

Did Ashton kucher go to Franklin middle school?

Yes! I go to Franklin middle school and a close friend of mine had his locker.

How does a middle school girl decorate their locker?

you can put a lot of magnets and mirrors.