A comma is a punctuation mark that separates phrases in a sentence. It looks like ,
its called a period
For the United States: The period, or decimal as it's called in math, means the number is less than a whole number. Examples: 3.45 means 3 pizzas and 45% of a pizza. $199.89 means 199 dollars and 89% of a dollar (89 cents). In some European countries, the decimal is used as a comma and the comma as a decimal, but just focus on what it means in your math class.
The decimal point (.) In some countries I think it's called a fraction mark and a comma (,) is used and points (.) are used as thousands separators rather than commas.
When you write a very large number, say seven digits, then you place a COMMA ( NOT a period) , at every third number. e.g. # 1234567 = 1,234,567 The period/Full stop is only used to delineate decimals.
It is NOT a place holder though, for really big (or small) numbers it can help find the place value. It is called a separator or delimiter.
it isn't a period it is a comma.
What are all the names of a comma in a number
Commas are used to separate large numbers into groups of three digits. Each group is called a period.
A comma is a punctuation mark that separates phrases in a sentence. It looks like ,
its called a period
A comma is typically placed before "or" when it separates independent clauses in a sentence. However, a comma is not needed after "or" in most cases.
Not necessarily. A comma indicates a pause in speech, or separates ideas for clarity. Where there is no pause and no possible confusion there should be no comma.
How to get 739,652 as the answer what is the number that has 652 in the ones period and 739 in the thousands period? to the right of the comma is ones period to the left is thousands period
These are punctuation marks.
A comma causes a pause in a sentence and a period is a full stop. Never place a period where God has placed a comma.
No, the quotation marks go after the comma or period.