

Best Answer

If you mean square units within a circle then it is:-

Area = pi*radius squared

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Q: What is the command for a square and circles?
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What has a square and 2 circles?

Two circles with a square on top

How many circles can fit in an square?

Depends on the size of the circles and the square.

Can you use a square and 2 circles to make up a cylinder?

Yes. Provided that the sides of the square are the same as the circumference of the circles.

Does a square have a center or do only circles have centers?

A square does have a centre.

Are circles square shaped?

No. Their shape is described as "circular".

If the area of the square is 722in find the radius?

A square doesent have a radius only circles do. :)

Can crop circles be square?

Crop circles are typically circular in shape and are formed by flattening crops in a pattern. While it is possible for crop circles to have square-like characteristics, such as right angles or symmetry resembling a square, the term "crop square" is not commonly used to describe these formations.

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Can you find the area of a square if you have the circumference?

Circumfrences are only for circles.

How many square yards in a fifteen foot diameter circles?

This area is 19,639 45 square yards.

How many circles of the same diameter can fit into a square to have the least area left without overlapping?

1^2 or 2^2 or 3^2 or 4^2.... and it goes on...where diameter of circle is equal to the side of square divided by square root of total numbers of circles.. eg : side of square = 10 no of circles = 2^2 square root = 2 therefore diameter = 10/2=5.

What logo is an orange square with three white circles inside?