18 3*6 = 18 2*9 = 18
The lowest common multiple, or lowest common denominator, of 18 and 28 is 252.
The lowest denominator is 2. The lowest common denominator is 18.
A common denominator is 72.
18 3*6 = 18 2*9 = 18
There can be no greatest common denominator. If you have a set a numbers whose least common denominator is L then 2*L, 3*L, … are all common denominators. There is no end to that sequence and so no greatest.
The lowest common multiple, or lowest common denominator, of 18 and 28 is 252.
the least common denominator is very simple. just take 9/18 for example reduce it. 9 goes in to 18 2 times and nine goes in nine once sooo 9/18 = 1/2 that means two is the the least common denominator.
The lowest common denominator of the fractions 2 over 9 and 1 over 6 is 18.
A common denominator, though not the least, is 5616.
The GCF is 2.