The common denominator of any two or more whole numbers, such as 210 385 and 400, will always be one (1) because 'common denominator' refers to the denominators of two or more fractions or mixed numbers, not whole numbers. So, a set of whole numbers (x,x) would have to be converted to their fraction equivalents, i.e., x/1, which will always yield a denominator of 1.
You look for common factors in the numerator and the denominator, then divide both the numerator and the denominator by that common factor.
Divide the numerator and the denominator by the same number to simplify a fraction. This number must be a common factor of the numerator and the denominator. For example, 50 is a common factor of the numerator and denominator of 350/400. By dividing each by 50, 350/400 can be simplified to 7/8.
It is: 96.25%
You look for common factors in the numerator and the denominator, then divide both the numerator and the denominator by that common factor.
It is: 400 which is also the LCM
400-15 = 385
Divide the numerator and the denominator by the same number to simplify a fraction. This number must be a common factor of the numerator and the denominator. For example, 50 is a common factor of the numerator and denominator of 350/400. By dividing each by 50, 350/400 can be simplified to 7/8.
It is: 96.25%
400 - 190 = 210
wants 164 round to the nrest100