Assuming you mean the whole number 5 and the whole number 7, then the common denominator would be 1, as 5/1=5 and 7/1=7.
The GCF of 5 and 7 is 1.
The LCM of 5 and 7 is 35.
If you are talking about common denominators, the LCM is applicable.
The Least Common Denominator of 5, 7, and 35 is 1.
It is 70
it would be (5*7*11 = 385)
Least common denominator of 7 and 5 is 35.
The Least Common Denominator of 5, 7, and 35 is 1.
A common denominator is 70.
A common denominator is 7.A common denominator is 7.A common denominator is 7.A common denominator is 7.
1 is the only common denominator.
The least common denominator is 280.
your common denominator would be 105
1 is the only common denominator.
common denominator:60 :)
The LCD for 7 and 5 is 35
35 is.
The least common denominator (LCD) is 630.