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The common multiples of 96 and 120 are the multiples of their lowest common multiple, namely:

480, 960, 1440, 1920, 2400, 2880, 3360, 3840, 4320, 4800, 5280, 5760, 6240, 6720, 7200, 7680, 8160, 8640, 9120, 9600, 10080, 10560, 11040, 11520, 12000, 12480, 12960, 13440, 13920, 14400, 14880, 15360, 15840, 16320, 16800, 17280, 17760, 18240, 18720, 19200, 19680, 20160, 20640, 21120, 21600, 22080, 22560, 23040, 23520, 24000, 24480, 24960, 25440, 25920, 26400, 26880, 27360, 27840, 28320, 28800, 29280, 29760, 30240, 30720, 31200, 31680, 32160, 32640, 33120, 33600, 34080, 34560, 35040, 35520, 36000, 36480, 36960, 37440, 37920, 38400, 38880, 39360, 39840, 40320, 40800, 41280, 41760, 42240, 42720, 43200, 43680, 44160, 44640, 45120, 45600, 46080, 46560, 47040, 47520, 48000, ...

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Q: What is the common multiples of 96 and 120?
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