

What is the compass variation?

Updated: 10/23/2022
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13y ago

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I think you're after the magnetic variation. If so :- That is the variation between true north and the earth's magnetic field at your location. Can be + or - and up to a few tens of degrees.

Your compass does not actually point to north, though that is a useful assumption. In reality, the compass needle aligns itself with the direction of the earth's magnetic lines of force at your location. These do not run nicely north and south. Your map will have on it an indication of the magnetic variation in that region, and may include also the amount by which that varies annually.

The earth's magnetic field is generated (most of it anyway) by electrical currents flowing in the magma. These currents may be caused by the core rotating slightly faster than the mantle and crust. [But no one's been there!] The magma and the earths core beneath it are much too hot to sustain a magnetic field.

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Q: What is the compass variation?
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A way to find the variation from true north?

To find the variation from true north, you can use a magnetic compass to determine the magnetic north and then calculate the angle between the magnetic north and the true north. This angle is known as the magnetic declination or variation. Many maps and GPS devices provide information about the current magnetic declination in a specific location.

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Sir W. Bain has written: 'An essay on the variation of the compass'

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Magnetic deviation is the error caused by the internal magnetic fields of a ship or aircraft, while magnetic variation is the difference between magnetic north and true north at a specific location. Deviation can be corrected by installing compensating magnets on a vessel, while variation requires adjustment in navigation calculations.

Why would magnetic declaration be different for different locations on the earth?

The magnetic declination varies because the Earth's magnetic field is not exactly aligned with its rotational axis. This misalignment means that the magnetic north pole and geographic north pole are not in the same position, causing differences in magnetic declination across the Earth's surface.

Why would magnetic declaration be different for different locations on Earth?

First of all, we're pretty sure that you're referring to "variation", not "declaration".Magnetic variation is the difference between the direction from you to the north pole (called "true north"), and the direction in which your magnetic compass points.That difference changes with your position on earth, because the north pole and theplace your compass points to are two different places. If you were standing at the point that's exactly halfway between them, then your compass would point exactly away from the north pole. And if you're not between them, but you're standing on the extension of the line between them, then your compass it pointing at the north pole, because both points are in the same direction from you.If you look at a navigational map, you will see lines of magnetic variation printed on the map. If you read your magnetic compass and apply the magnetic variation (printed on the map), you can calculate the direction of TRUE north.

How does one measure magnetic variation?

Magnetic variation is measured using a magnetic compass that indicates the angular difference between magnetic north and true north at a specific location on the Earth's surface. The variation is typically expressed in degrees east or west. Land navigation charts and maps often provide information on the expected magnetic variation for a given area.

How to find magnetic variation if latitude and longitude is known?

Magnetic variation can be found on all nautical charts. On most it will be located within the compass rose nearest to desired location. The annual change is in parenthesis, the calculated date is shown.

What Operation to solve a true heading?

When converting a magnetic bearing to a true bearing then subtract any westerly variation or add an easterly one. The variation can usually be found on the chart, normally by the compass rose, plus the annual change

Where is the magnetic variation of a compss the smallest?

The magnetic variation of a compass is smallest at the magnetic poles and greatest at the equator.

What was the disadvantage of using a compss to determine direction?

A compass may give inaccurate readings if it is near a magnetic field, metal objects, or electrical devices which can interfere with its accuracy. Additionally, compass readings can be affected by variation and deviation which may need to be compensated for to determine true direction.

What do you use to find true north?

You need to know the variation (also referred to as declination) for your location. Once you have that, you add East variation (or plus) to your magnetic compass reading, and subtract West variation (or minus) from your magnetic compass reading to get true compass reading. To find North, simply line your magnetic compass up so that the needle is on North and then either add or subtract your variation to get the true North reading. See the links below to find the variation for your position.

What direction does the magnetic compass point to?

A magnetic compass points towards the Earth's magnetic north pole, which is not the same as the geographic North Pole. The variation between these two poles is known as magnetic declination.