212 is not a prime number. A prime number is a whole number that can only be divided equally by 1 and itself. One example of proof: 212 ÷ 2 = 106
A compatible number is a number that is easy to add when you add it together.
NO!!!! Any number ending in 0,2,4,6, or 8 is an EVEN number. Since '212' ends in '2' it is an even number. 1,000,000 is an even number, But 1,000,001 is an ODD Number.
210 + 350 = 560
Those measures are not compatible
212 The simplest form of a whole number is the number itself. (212/1 = 212 + 0/1)
It is a compatible number
212 is not a prime number. A prime number is a whole number that can only be divided equally by 1 and itself. One example of proof: 212 ÷ 2 = 106
To express 212 as a fraction, you simply write it as 212/1. This is because any whole number can be represented as that number over 1. So, 212 as a fraction is 212/1.
212 (decimal) is 11010100 (binary)