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Q: What is the complement of 35 degrees?
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What is the complement of a 35 degree angle?

It is 55 degrees

What is the complement of a 35 degrees and 24 degrees angle?

They are 55 degrees and 66 degrees respectively

What is the complementary angle of 35 degrees?

The complement of 35 degrees is 55 degrees, since they add up to 90 degrees.

What is the measure of the complement to a 35 degree angle?

The sum of two complements is 90 degrees, or a right angle. 90-35=55 degrees.

The measure of the complement to a 35 angle is?

A pair of angles are complementary if their sum is 90 degrees. Therefore, the complement to a 35 degree angle measures 90 - 35 = 55 degrees. This can be effectively displayed when placing both angles so that they form a right angle.

What is the complement of a 55 degree angle?

A pair of complementary angles sum up to 90 degrees. In this instance, the complement of a 55-degree angle is 90 - 55 = 35 degrees.

What is the complement of 9 degrees?

the complement of 9 degrees is 81 degrees

The measure of the compliment to a 35 percent angle is what?

A whole angle is 360 degrees so the measure of a 35% angle is 126 degrees. The complement (not compliment) of this angle would have a measure of 90 - 126 = minus 36 degrees.

Find the angle which exceeds its complement by 8 degrees?

Angle + Its Complement = 90 degrees Angle = Its Complement + 8 degrees2*(Its Complement) + 8 degrees = 90 degrees2*(Its Complement) = 82 degreesIts Complement = 41 degreesAngle + 41 degrees = 90 degreesAngle = 49 degrees

What is a complament angle?

The complement to an angle is how much it takes to make 90 degrees. The complement to 30 degrees is 60 degrees. The complement to 45 degrees is 45 degrees.

If an angle has a measure of 41 what is the measure of its complement?

An angle and its complement add to 90 degrees. Hence an angle of 41 degrees has 49 degrees as its complement.

What is the supplement of the complement of 60 degrees?

The complement of 60 degrees is 30 degrees. Then the supplement of 30 degrees is 150 degrees. Answer: 150 degrees