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This is called the organism's karyotype.

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Q: What is the complete set of chromosomes of an organism arranged and displayed in pairs and ordered by size?
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Genes are arranged on twisted strands called?

Genes are arranged on twisted strands called chromosomes. Each chromosome contains hundreds to thousands of genes, which are the basic units of heredity and contain the instructions for building and maintaining an organism.

What is an allohexaploid?

An allohexaploid is an organism with six complete sets of chromosomes derived from different species.

How would the karyotype of an organism that reproduces asexualy differ from a human karyotype?

Characteristics. Also, another difference between karyotype and karyogram is that while karyotype describes the number and appearance of chromosomes and includes their length, banding pattern, and centromere position, karyogram contains chromosomes arranged in an appropriate order.Jul

Where does an organism receive its chromosomes from?

An organisms gets its chromosomes from its parent(s).

What is genomics?

The complete hereditary history of an organism. Answer A genome is all the genetic information in the haploid portion of chromosomes of a cell

Are chromosomes organism?

Chromosomes are not defined as organisms, but they are found in organisms. The chromosomes are part of an organism's genetic information. ~KKMG1

How are genes organized in organisms?

Genes are organized in organisms on structures called chromosomes. Chromosomes contain long strands of DNA that are made up of genes. Genes are arranged in a linear fashion along the length of chromosomes, with each gene encoding specific instructions for producing proteins or controlling various traits in the organism.

How many chromosomes will a gamete of this organism have?

The gamete will have half the number of chromosomes as compared to the somatic cells of the organism. For example, in humans, a gamete will have 23 chromosomes.

How many chromosomes in a complete set?

Chromosomes are condensed DNA within a cell. Strands of DNA(deoxyribonucleic acid) are tightly wound around proteins called histones. These groups of clustered DNA and histones are compacted into a substance known as chromatin. The chromatin condenses into chromosomes. There are 23 pairs of chromosomes within each cell throughout the whole body. This is vital for survival of multicellular organisms as DNA holds the genetic code for the organism and also the information for certain proteins to be produced by the cell. In short, there are 23 pairs of chromosomes in every cell, and chromosomes are made up of DNA - the genetic code.

The condition of having many sets of chromosomes?

Polyploidy is the condition of having multiple complete sets of chromosomes in a cell or organism. This can occur in plants and some animals, and often leads to increased genetic diversity and potentially altered physical characteristics in the organism.

What it is a genome?

A genome is the complete set of chromosomes in a gamete or microorganism. It is also the same in every cell of a multicellular organism, like a human.

What are shown on a karyotypes?

Karyotypes show a visual representation of an individual's chromosomes arranged by size, shape, and banding pattern. They can be used to detect genetic abnormalities, such as extra, missing, or rearranged chromosomes. Karyotypes are helpful in diagnosing genetic disorders and assessing chromosomal abnormalities.