The complimentary color of blue is orange.
Angles are complimentary or supplementary. Lines aren't.
Complimentary Angles are those, when added, will sum up to be 90.
Complimentary angles are two or more angles that add up to 90 degrees
There are two types of relationships: supplementary and complimentary. Supplementary angles always add up tp 180 degrees. Complimentary angles always add up to 90 degrees. If you are dealing with complimentary angles, look for a right angle.
The three primary colours, red, yellow and blue, each have a complimentary colour. The complimentary colour of red is green, that of yellow is purple and that of blue is orange. You may note that each complimentary colour is a mix of the other two primary colours. E.g. Complimentary colour of red is green, because green is a mix of blue an yellow, etc.
egg plant is known as a aubergine which is a sort of black purple colour and a weird shape.
Try peach or emerald.
Contrasting and complimentary colours are the same thing. Green is a secondary colour. You achieved a secondary colour by mixing two of the three primary colour. In this case green is the mixture of Yellow and Blue. The complimentary colour to a secondary colour is the primary colour not used to create it; in this case the complimentary (or contrasting) colour to green is red.
When you mix complimentary colours (colours opposite one another on the colour wheel) you will get a brown or black.
You would mix it with yellow, it's complimentary colour. Whenever you want to make the colour brown, just mix it with a complimentary colour. (Purple + Yellow, Red + Green, Orange + Blue.)
I would get cream or white depending on the color walls.
The complementary color of blue is yellow.
=two colours which are on oppersite sides of the colour wheel and when mixed make a neutral colour like red and green are complimentary coulours and when mixed make brown.=
The correct spelling of Aubergine is Aubergine.
Yes .. Yes they are as they are opposite on the colour wheel.