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The composition of your nails is yes skin.

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Q: What is the composition of your fingernails?
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What is the composition of fingernails?

The composition of fingernails is a tough protein called keratin. Toenails are also made of keratin. The structure of a nail is the nail plate, the nail matrix and the nail bed.

Is cutting your fingernails physical or chemical change?

Cutting your fingernails is a physical change because the composition of the material (keratin) remains the same before and after cutting. A chemical change involves a change in the chemical composition of a substance.

Are fingernails proximal to the wrist?

Yes, fingernails are distal to the wrist. The wrist is considered proximal to the fingernails.

How does the composition of a fingernail differ from that of a hair?

Fingernails are made of a tough protein called keratin, while hairs are also made of keratin but are softer and more flexible. Fingernails grow from the nail bed under the cuticle, whereas hair grows from follicles in the skin. Additionally, fingernails provide protection to the fingertips, while hair serves various functions like insulation and sensory input.

What is the Name of five fingernails?


What can you do for a child that picks their fingernails out?

you duct tape their fingernails and when they forget that the pick their fingernails and then its all done

Why do who have fingernails?

People's fingernails are designed to protect the ends of our fingers, which are much more delicate than fingernails are.

Do proboscis monkeys have flat fingernails?

they do have flat fingernails

What is a rhinoceros horn composition?

Rhino horn is made of keratin, the same as our hair and fingernails.

What kind of nail do carpenters avoid?

their own, or fingernails. fingernails is on little riddle level 73...

Is there HIV virus in fingernails of infected person?

HIV is not in fingernails.

Which is ceaner fingernails or toenails?

if you wash your hands a lot, fingernails