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Q: What is the compounded interest of 250000000.00 at 1 percent for 1 year?
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5 percent interest compounded annually means percent paid every?


What is APR of 14.8 percent interest compounded daily?

14.8 percent, compounded daily, is approx 7.565 sextillion for a year (8.684 sextillion for a leap year).

How much interest will 900 earn in one year at 4.75 percent?

4.75 percent of 900 is 42.75 . A few pennies more if the interest is compounded at any time during the year. For example, if interest is compounded every month, then you have 43.69 at the end of the year.

What is the compound interest on 750000 pesos borrowed at 2.50 percent interest per year for 1 year if the interest is compounded quarterly?

Since the annual interest rate is given, the fact that the interest is calculated and compounded quarterly is not relevant. The interest is 750000*2.5/100 = 18750 pesos.

What is your monthly interest rate at 9.75 percent on 365.00?

Assuming that the interest rate is 9.75% per year, the answer will depend on how often the interest is compounded.

What is the compounded interest of 1700.00 at 7 percent for 1 year?

1700 x 1.07^1 = 1819

How much money will you have at the end of one year if interest is compounded semiannually at 10 percent on a 600 deposit?

It will be 726.

If you save 3000 at an interest rate of 14 percent per year how much will you have at the end of six years?

If the interest is compounded then you would have 6584.91

How much would 200 invested at 4 percent interest compounded monthly be worth after 8 year's?


Is interest compounded weekly is compounded fifty times a year false?

Yes: a year is not 50 weeks.

What is 2000.00 for 4 years compounded daily at 2.25 percent apr?

APR stands for annual percentage rate. That being the case, it does not matter whether the interest is compounded every day or every millisecond. The effect, at the end of a year is interest equal to 2.25 percent. So, 2000 at 2.25 percent compounded, for 4 years = 2000*(1.0225)4 = 2000*1.093083 = 2186.17

What financial products offer compounding interest?

When a financial product pays compounded interest the investor earns interest on interest earned. For example, when $1,000 is invested at a compounded rate of 5 percent the principal balance of the investment would increase to $1,050 at the end of year one assuming annual compounding of interest. In year two the investor would receive interest at 5 percent on $1,050 for an interest payment of $52.50 in year two. Money left to accumulate at compounded interest can grow tremendously over time (see Compounded Earnings: Making Your Money Work for You).Banks offer compounded interest on savings accounts and certificates of deposit. Another method of obtaining a compounded rate of interest can be achieved by buying US Treasury issued zero coupon bonds which offer the advantage of long dated paper and the ability to know upfront what the compounded rate of return will be (see Zero Coupon Bonds Explained: Locking in Long Term Profits).