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Exponents are usually written like this: 3^2 means "3 to the second power".

Square roots are often written with sqrt in front, such as as sqrt(5)

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Q: What is the computer symbol for square roots and power exponents?
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What is another name for square root?

Exponents, such as 2 to the 3rd power or 4 to the 4th power.

What does the circle and line symbol on most computer power buttons stand for?

The circle and line symbol that appears on most computer power buttons is simply the symbol for Power. This is a universal symbol and it used on computers in many countries. It is considered the universal symbol for Power On/Off.

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You multiply the exponents.

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4 to the 2nd power in exponents is 42

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Assuming the calculator can do exponents, take the number and raise it to the power of 1/2.

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A square root is a number raised to the exponent (power) 1/2.

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How do you raise a power to a power?

The rule is that you multiply the exponents. So if I have 2 squared and I want to raise it to the third power, you multiply the 2x3=6. When you multiply powers you add the exponents. When you raise exponents to a power you multiply. This works for rational exponents which can be used to represent roots as well.

When raising a power to a power this is what you do with the exponents?

Multiply them.

What is the fast way to simplify when you raise an exponent to another power?

If you're multiplying numbers with exponents, add the exponents. 32 x 33 = 35 If you're raising exponents to a power, multiply the exponents. 3 squared to the third power = 36

When adding numbers with fraction exponents do you add the exponents?

Fractional exponents follow the same rules as integral exponents. Integral exponents are numbers raised to an integer power.

How do you take the square root of exponents?

You divide the exponent by 2 The square root of a number is that number to the 1/2 power So for examle square root of x cubed (x^3) is x^3 to the half power =x^3/2 (x to the 3/2 power)