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Binomal nomenclature is a system of naming species.

If you have a lot of things and you want to classify them one method is binomial sorting. You divided the whole into two successive groups until all are sorted uniquely in a binary tree. For example take the group:


Are first sorting criteria will be 'those with enclosed spaces, and those without enclosed spaces'

(enclosed spaces) (no enclosed spaces)

04689 12357

we now have two groups both of which have to be divided.

(enclosed spaces) (no enclosed spaces)

(free ends) (no free ends) (round bits) (no round bits)

469 08 235 17

we now have four groups that need to be divided in two.

(enclosed spaces) (no enclosed spaces)

(free ends) (no free ends) (round bits) (no round bits)

(round bits)(no round bits) 0 8 (corners)(no corners) 1 7

69 4 25 3

Six of the groups are exhausted, having only one member so they are uniquely described and cannot be divided further. Two groups remain to be further subdivided but as there are only two elements in each group, the division is trivial.

invented by Carolus Linnaeus... Amanda Steffey.

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Carolus Linnaeus proposed binomial nomenclature.

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In biology, binomial nomenclature is how species are named

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What naming system did Carolus Linnaeus develop?

Carolus Linnaeus developed the binomial nomenclature system, which uses a two-part Latin name to classify and organize living organisms. The first part denotes the genus of the organism, while the second part specifies the species within that genus. This system forms the basis of modern taxonomy.

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Carolus Linnaeus proposed binomial nomenclature.

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The binomial nomenclature of a hamster is Cricetinae.

The two-word system for naming organisms is called?

Binomial Nomenclature. In other words, using an organisms Genus and Species to classify them into categories.

What is a sentence using the word binomial nomenclature?

In biology, binomial nomenclature is how species are named.

What is the naming system called?

Binomial nomenclature. In instances in which more than Genus species is necessary to accurately name an organism, the system is sometimes dubbed "Trinomial nomenclature," or even "Quadrunomial nomenclature." However, the textbook answer is Binomial nomenclature.