

What is the contiental divide?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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Q: What is the contiental divide?
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What is the state of matter of the contiental crust?

Continental crust is solid.

Which section of the ocean is closest to the shoreline?

contiental shelf \

What were John Rutledge's accomplishments?

He was elected governor in 1779. He served in the state legislature and the Contiental Congress

Is oceanic crust slide under oceanic crust during subduction?

Yes, oceanic crust can slide under oceanic crust during subduction at convergent plate boundaries. This process occurs when a more dense oceanic plate descends beneath another oceanic plate, leading to the formation of a subduction zone.

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The spies joined the contiental army because they want to help fight for America.

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to keep the contiental army together.was also the cold winters

Which would be least helpful to scientist trying to find evidence that earth is very old?

Examing contiental drift

What happens when a plate carrying oceanic crust collided with a plate carrying continental?

The contiental cdrust is forced under the continental crust in a process called subduction.

How did the colonial leaders take the Boston massacre to their advantage?

Because after the Boston Massacre happened.More people with fight aganist the British,join the contiental army or side with the coloniest.