There are 5280 ft in a mile. SO …
To convert Miles to Feet, multiply by 5280; to convert Feet to Miles, divide by 5280.
The conversion factor is 60. So, 5 x 60 = 300 mph
5280 feet = 1 mile so the conversion unit ratio is 1/5280 miles per foot
29.3 is the conversion factor. So, mph x 29.3 = yards per minute.
32.2 ft/sec = 21.954 mi/hour.To determine the factor for unit conversion:1 foot = 1/5280 miles1 second = 1/60 minutes = 1/3600 hoursThus,32.2 feet/sec = 32.2 * (1/5280)/(1/3600) miles/hour = 21.954 miles per hour.
15 km per l is 35.2821875 mpg.
3.785 is the conversion factor. So, miles per liter x 3.785 = mpg
The conversion factor is 2.24. So, multiply meters per second by 2.24 to get miles per hour.
The conversion factor is 0.0166. So, 40 mph x 0.0166 = about 0.66 miles per minute.
Assuming you are talking about stoichiometery a conversion factor is often a number with two units. For example a conversion factor could be Miles per hour (Miles/hour). If you had miles and needed to convert to hours you would multiply the miles by Hours/miles so that the miles would be canceled out (miles/miles = 1). Then your units left would be hours. Or vice versa. There are other factors like this in chemistry like grams/mol Mol/liter etc. To put it shortly the conversion factor denominator is always paired with the numerator.
The conversion factor is 1.151 - So: nautical mph x 1.151 = mph
The conversion factor is 60. So, 5 x 60 = 300 mph
5280 feet = 1 mile so the conversion unit ratio is 1/5280 miles per foot
0.621 is the conversion factor. So, kph x 0.621 = mph
To convert ounces per inch to pounds per cubic foot, you need to know the density of the material in question. Once you have the density, you can use the conversion factor: 1 ounce per inch equals 5.793435 pounds per cubic foot. Multiply the density by this conversion factor to convert the units.
To convert feet per second to miles per hour, you can use the conversion factor of 1 foot per second is approximately 0.6818 miles per hour. You can multiply the value in feet per second by 0.6818 to get the equivalent value in miles per hour.
29.3 is the conversion factor. So, mph x 29.3 = yards per minute.
The conversion factor is 88. So, mph x 88 = feet per minute.