The coordinates of the Philippines is 13 degrees North and 122 degrees East
equinoctial system of coordinates
Integral coordinates are coordinates that are whole numbers. Integral coordinates cannot be fractional or have decimals. They are used, generally, for gross designations.
The x coordinates are horizontal whereas the y coordinates are vertical on the Cartesian plane.
It is where the x and y coordinates intersect.
The difference in Y -coordinates is also known as the rise.
The coordinates for the Philippines are approximately 13.0° N latitude and 122.0° E longitude.
The Philippines coordinates are 12.8797° N, 121.7740° E
The exact coordinates for the Philippines are approximately 13° N latitude and 122° E longitude.
The absolute location of the Philippines is approximately 13° N latitude and 122° E longitude.
13 00 N, 122 00 E
The coordinates 16.47N 96.10E correspond to Yangon, Myanmar. The coordinates 43.05N 141.21E lead to Sapporo, Japan. The coordinates 14.36N 120.59E point to Manila, Philippines.
The Philippines is in the Eastern Hemisphere. It is situated in the eastern part of the globe, with its coordinates falling in the eastern hemisphere.
14° 10′ 0″ N, 121° 20′ 0″ E14.166667, 121.333333
The coordinates 15N and 125E correspond to the Philippines, an island country in Southeast Asia.
Philippines coordinates are 12.8797° N, 121.7740° E
The coordinates 15N and 121E point to the island of Luzon in the Philippines. Luzon is the largest island in the Philippines and is home to the country's capital, Manila.
Oplan Banet had to do with the war against illegal drugs and drug traffickers in the Philippines. It is a specific campaign that coordinates law enforcement.