

What is the core radius?

Updated: 12/23/2022
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Q: What is the core radius?
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What is diameter of the outer core?

Remembering that there is an inner core inside the outer core - the radius of the outer core/mantle boundary is about 3,400 km. (the diameter is twice the radius).

Which terrestrial planet has the largest core relative to its overall size?

Mercury has the largest core relative to its overall size among the terrestrial planets. The core makes up about 85% of Mercury's radius, compared to about 55% for Earth's core size relative to its radius.

Is the moon solid all the way through?

No, the Moon has a solid iron-rich inner core with a radius of 240 kilometers and a fluid outer core primarily made of liquid iron with a radius of roughly 300 kilometers. Around the core is a partially molten boundary layer with a radius of about 500 kilometers.

What is the radial thickness of the solid earth kilometers?

The inner core is approximately 1271 kilometers in radius and is composed of iron and nickel, the liquid outer core is 2270 kilometers radius, and the radius of the mantle, the thickest solid layer, is 2885 kilometers.

If the core temp of a star decreases what happens to the radius?

If the core temperature of a star decreases, it will contract, causing the core to become denser. This contraction may lead to an increase in temperature in the outer layers, causing the star to expand its radius to re-establish equilibrium.

What the thickness of the inner core?

The thickness of the inner core is 1,200 km. 1,200 km being the radius of the sphere known as the inner core.

Is the core really the size of Mars?

No, the Earth's core is not the size of Mars. The core is actually divided into the outer core and inner core, the inner core being about the size of Earth's moon. Mars, on the other hand, has a much smaller core compared to Earth.

What part of the earth is a solid metallic sphere about 1216 kilometers in radius?

The inner core of the Earth is a solid metallic sphere made primarily of iron and nickel with a radius of about 1216 kilometers. It is surrounded by the liquid outer core and the solid mantle.

Is Mercury's core much larger compared to the size of its body?

How can it's core be bigger than it's size?? Mercury has a much larger core than any other planetary body compared to it's total size. It's core is estimated to have a radius of about 1,800 km whilst the radius of the planet is about 2,440 km.

What is the size of the earth core?

It is believed to be approximately 758-780 miles (1219 - 1250 km)

Does thew moon have water?

No, the moon does not have any water due to the fact that its core is only one-fifth the size of its radius. In contrast, Earth's core is about half the size of the planet's radius. Furthermore, the moon's core is not molten, nor does the moon spin on its axis, it's tidally locked to Earth.

How do you calculate volume of core sample?

The core sample is a cylinder. The volume of any cylinder is (pi) x (radius)2 x (length).