I've sometimes used the abbreviation Rec'd. Yes, because an apostrophe indicates contraction: missing letter(s) -- in this case, the e, i, v, and last e. A writer would not want to use more than one apostrophe in a single word, hence: Recvd would logically be punctuated as: Rec'v'd -- requiring more than one apostrophe and more work than an abbrev. calls for! ;-) --Good question. Thanks for asking.
The correct abbreviation for street would be "St"Example: Sawyer Street becomes Sawyer StThe abbreviation is St. hopes it helps!
The common abbreviation used for "about" is "abt." but there is no abbreviation for "on" as it is too short to need one.
the answer is qt.
The correct abbreviation for "I have" is I've.
correct abbreviation for sounds
HQ is the correct abbreviation.
The correct abbreviation for the word Sunday is "Sun."
The abbreviation for Mile is "Mi"
The correct abbreviation for liters is "L".
The correct abbreviation for court is "ct."
The correct abbreviation for October is: Oct.
The correct abbreviation for Pronunciation is "pron."
The correct abbreviation for ounces is "oz."
The correct abbreviation for continued is "cont."
The correct abbreviation for continued is "cont."