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Q: What is the correct circumference of balloon?
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The more air you pump into a balloon the greater the circumference of the balloon will be?

Inflating a balloon increases its volume, causing it to expand in all directions - including its circumference. As more air is pumped in, the pressure inside the balloon rises, pushing against the walls and stretching them further, increasing the circumference.

What is the normal circumference of a balloon in inches?

The normal circumference of a standard balloon is around 36 inches. However, this can vary depending on the size and type of balloon.

The circumference of a balloon which depends on the amount of air inside is 1 meter?

. Circumference(air) = 1

Is balloon correct?

Balloon is the correct spelling in English. Ballon is the French for balloon and is also used in ballet terminology, referring to the lightness of foot.

How do you calculate the circumference of a balloon?

Balloons are rarely (if ever) spherical, so you need to decide what you mean by its circumference.On possible way is to make a slip-knot noose with a piece of string. Slide the noose over the balloon, keeping the string tight. The noose will be opened to the extent of the balloon's circumference.

Is the sentence Rachael and I's balloon correct?

I think it would be: 'Rachael's and my balloon' or: 'Mine and Rachel's balloon' Hope this helps! :)

What is the correct term for the perimeter of circle?


How do you spell circumfrence?

The correct spelling is "circumference".

How do you spell sirconfrince?

The likely word is "circumference" (distance around a circle).

When gas in a balloon is heated the balloon expands. What are the correct signs of heat and work for this change?

+Q, +W

Is it corrrect to say pop the balloon?

Yes, "pop the balloon" is a correct phrase to say when referring to bursting or breaking a balloon either intentionally or accidentally.

Is the sentence Rachael and I's balloon after 6 weeks correct?

Rachael and My balloon after 6 weeks was still inflated.