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101-102 =0.1

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Q: What is the correct way to do this problem 101-102 equals 1?
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What represents the correct way to write a chemical equation reactants--products products equals reactants reactants equals sum sum--- reactants?

The correct way to write a chemical equation is: Reactants -> Products. This means that the reactants on the left side of the arrow are converted into products on the right side. The double arrow symbol <=> can be used to indicate that the reaction can proceed in both directions to reach an equilibrium.

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That really depends on the type of problem, but quite often, there is more than one correct way of solving a problem.

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No, as long as he lifts the correct way he should be fine.

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8-6 are 13, since it is plural. The correct way to say it however would be 8-6 equals 13 but it actually equals 14.

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the way people normallysay problem doesn't rhymewith it but the correct wayof both words do rhyme...i wouldn't use it in a poembut i believe they do rhymeheres some prooffrom Dictionary.comprob-luhmthuhm

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