$400,000 dollars
twenty four hundred and 00/100 dollars
Three hundred fifty million.
The correct way to write it in numbers is: 5,008,023.
Five thousand, two hundred twenty-three and 00/100 dollars
The way to write 33 is Thirty-three. You would write Thirty-three dollars. You could also write Thirty-three dollars and 00 cents.
$400,000 dollars
Three Thousand Dollars. Or, $3000 Or, $3,000 Or, $3000.00 Or, $3,000.00 Or, 300000c Or, 300,000c
the million is the proper way to write it if you use it in a sentence
twenty four hundred and 00/100 dollars
One way would be to write forty-three thousand and no/100 dollars
Three hundred fifty million.
Four hundred fifty and 05/100 dollars
Four hundred fifty and 05/100 dollars