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Q: What is the correlation between group design and within group design?
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Can ANOVA predict correlation between variable in a single group?

Yes anova can and should be used to predict correlation between variable's in a single group. This is one of the primary and most common uses of such software.

Standard deviation of 10 and mean of 50 approximately 68 percent of the group members receive scores somewhere between?

Within 1 stdev of the mean - between 40 and 60.

What is the difference between the words within and among?

"Within" means "inside". "Within these four walls we will be safe" "He had a rabbit concealed within his hat." The thing that is within is inside and the thing or things it is within is outside."Among" means being one of a group of three or more things. Their relative position or order is not important. "Among our volunteers are three former Boy Scouts." It doesn't matter which three are the Boy Scouts. "Among the fruits in the fruit basket was a banana" It doesn't matter whether the banana was on the inside or on the outside.The words can overlap when talking about the group itself, because the group is often conceived of as being outside of its individual members. We say things like "John is inour group." This idea of a group being a line with the members inside and the non-members outside means you can say "There are three Boy Scouts within our group.", where you could never say "There are three Boy Scouts within our members" because that would mean that the Scouts had been eaten by the members.

Can the number of individuals in a minority group outnumber the number of individuals in a majority group?

Yes, if the group within which the subject minority is large enough.

What are disadvantages of statistics?

Statistics is quantative analysis tool and therefore only looks a general trends for patterns such as the correlation between two things (such as crime and poverty) with out examining the minutiae of individuals experiences. The other form of analysis is qualitative research, which would comprise things such as case studies, observations or in-depth interviews with the group being analysed. Also statistics can show a link between two things with out finding out which causes which.

Related questions

What is multiple correlation coefficient and partial correlation coefficient?

partial correlation is the relation between two variable after controlling for other variables and multiple correlation is correlation between dependent and group of independent variables.

Can ANOVA predict correlation between variable in a single group?

Yes anova can and should be used to predict correlation between variable's in a single group. This is one of the primary and most common uses of such software.

Which correlation should be used to measure the relationship between gender and grade point average for a group of college students?

pearson correlation

What is the difference from a between group and a within group?

There are many differences from an in-between group and within a group. A within group is one one side or another. An in-between group is one that falls in the middle of the within groups.

What are within group and between group differences?

Within-group differences refer to variations that exist among individuals or data points within the same group or category. This can include differences in characteristics, behaviors, or outcomes within the group. Between-group differences refer to variations that exist between different groups or categories. This can include differences in averages, distributions, or patterns observed when comparing multiple groups.

What is the Definition of longitudinal design?

A longitudinal design is a research method that involves collecting data from the same group of participants at multiple points over time. This allows researchers to track changes and developments within the group and investigate causal relationships between variables.

Does a pie graph show the composition of a group or correlation or change over time?

Composition of a group.

What type of research design studies the difference between groups of people?

A between-subjects design is used to study differences between groups of people. This design involves comparing the performance or outcomes of one group to another group under different conditions or treatments. It helps researchers determine if there are significant differences between the groups being studied.

What is the population of Ammunition Design Group?

The population of Ammunition Design Group is 33.

When was ROMA Design Group created?

ROMA Design Group was created in 1949.

When was KSS Design Group created?

KSS Design Group was created in 1991.

What is Neptec Design Group's population?

The population of Neptec Design Group is 80.