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Q: What is the correlation between physical weight and reading ability?
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Does shoe size determine reading level?

It is very unlikely that there's a correlation between foot size and literacy comprehension.

Is there a correlation between reading and the imagination?

The more you read, the more wide ranging your imagination can become; but even an illiterate person can have a vivid imagination.

Is there a correlation between reading and compassion?

Yes. Reading generally increases awareness and understanding, which are far more likely to promote compassion than ignorance and stupidity are. Of course, it depends, to some extent at least, on what you read.

What has the author Edward Carlton Abbott written?

Edward Carlton Abbott has written: 'Relationship between variations in silent reading ability and mental ability' -- subject(s): Reading, Intelligence tests

What is a positive negative correlation?

Correlation determines relationship between two variables. For example changes in one variable influence another variable, we can say that there is a correlation between the two variables. For example, we can say that there exists a correlation between the number of hours spent on reading and preparation and the scores obtained in the examination. One can infer that higher the amount of time spent on preparation may result in better performance in examination leading to higher scores. Hence the above is a case of positive correlation. If an increase in independent variable leads to an increase in dependent variable, it is a case of positive correlation. On the other hand if an increase in independent variable leads to a reduction in dependent variable, it is a case of negative correlation. An example for negative correlation could be the relationship between the age advancement and resistance to diseases. As age advances, resistance to disease reduces.

What is the correct grammar for the following sentence you want to improve your ability of reading?

With a slight difference in meaning, use either "ability to read" or "ability in reading."

What is learning comprehension?

Learning comprehension is the ability to understand what is being learned. There is a difference between hearing or reading and truly understanding the material.

What is reading people?

Reading refers to the ability to understand people's feelings and thoughts

What is pronunciation reading ability?

I would assume it is the ability to read aloud well.

What are the five dimensions for reading?

The five dimensions for reading include phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. Phonemic awareness refers to the ability to hear and manipulate individual sounds in words. Phonics involves understanding the relationship between sounds and their written symbols. Fluency is the ability to read with speed, accuracy, and expression. Vocabulary refers to knowing and understanding the meaning of words. Comprehension is the ability to understand and interpret what is being read.

Can you read the barnes and noble nook in the sunlight?

Yes, the Barnes and Noble Nook features an E Ink display that is designed to be readable in sunlight. This type of display is specifically chosen for its ability to reduce glare and provide a reading experience similar to reading a physical book.