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Q: What is the cost of 100g if 50 costs 40p?
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First of all you need to work out the cost of One gram 40/12=3.33333333 pence Then multiply the cost of One gram by 600 to get the cost of Six hundred grams 3.33333333*600 = 2000 pence or £20.00 -------------------------------------------- Alternatively 600/12 = 50 and 50 times 48 pence = 2000 pence or £20.00

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50% of 40 is 20.Therefore the answer is 20p.

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It costs $50 and up.

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50% off is the same as saying the shirt costs 50% of its original cost. 50% of original cost = 19.50*50/100 = 9.75

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It costs 50 Minerals.

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An apple costs $.50 to $1.00

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