Given the length 48 feet by about a 9 foot height, and a width of between 90-100 inches, your cubic feet will be between 3,240 cubic feet and 3,600 cubic feet.
This depends heavily on the vehicle in question. Stopping distance is a function of the mass of the vehicle, the width of the tires (i.e. friction area in contact with the pavement), and the type and "strength" of the brakes on the vehicle. A typical mid-size sedan like a Toyota Camry can stop in roughly 30 feet from 30mph. A large SUV like a Ford Explorer requires about 35-40 feet, while a Semi-Tractor trailer cab with loaded trailer can stop in about 40 feet, despite weighing over 10 times that of the SUV, since it has much more powerful brakes and much more wheel contact area.
100 x 200 * .33 + 6600 cf / 27 = 244 cubic yards converting CY to tons is not an exact sceince but I figure somewhere close to 1 to 1 , so call it 10 x 25 ton loads. I would order 8 to start and adjust from there. A normal tandem dump can haul about 15 tons, a semi trailer end dump is about 25 tons.
THis is a semi colon ;
The interior dimensions of a 53' semi trailer is 52 feet in length and 99 inches in width. The capacity is 4050 cubic feet.
The number of bales that can fit onto a semi will depend on the width and length of the semi's trailer and the overall cubic feet of each bale. A standard semi trailer in North America can be 8 feet to 8 feet 6 inches wide by 13 feet 6 inches high and anywhere from 28 to 53 feet long. Small square hay bales are usually 5.25 to 6 cubic feet. So if multiple the height by width, by length, you'll get the cubic feet of the trailer, you then divide that number by the cubic feet of the hay bales to figure out how many will fit in each size of trailer.
Depends greatly on the configuration of the truck and trailer but average cargo capacity is about 42,000 lbs or 4050 cubic feet.
The total square footage inside a 53 foot semi trailer is about 3,400 square feet. This space can only be fully occupied if the semi truck and trailer weight combined is 80,000 pounds or less. Federal law regulates how much a loaded semi truck and trailer can weigh. There are also limits on axle weight to arrive at this total. It is 12,000 for steer tires, 34,000 for drives, and 34,000 for tandem axles.
a semi flat low bed trailer is about 4 to 4.5 feet above from the ground.
70 feet
About 8000 cubic feet
14,000 lbs
Average is 70 feet
That really depends on the length of the trailer itself. It can range anywhere from 32 feet long to over 53 feet.