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Q: What is the daily life of aborigine people?
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The Ainu people of Hokkaido

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She is aborigine which is the indigenous people of Australia.

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Aborigine Advantages It originated when the aborigine people decided they had a masterrace lifestyle than most of us plebs and decided to set up the company Aborigine Advantages, just for anyone interested in joining their lifestyle.

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daily life at mission Soledad was full of boogers and naked people

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Who was the Aborigine who sailed with Flinders?

No Aborigine sailed with Flinders.

What does aberigionie mean?

That's not a word. I'm guessing that you mean 'aborigine'? Aborigine are people who were the earliest known inhabitants of a particular area. Think of the people Columbus discovered in America. Native Americans are natives or aborigine. I've also heard this word a lot in reference to very dark-skinned Australian people. They'd be like the Native Americans of Australia.

How important is the train in the daily life of people?

The importance of trains in daily life varies a great deal and depends on what country, and what part of the country, the people live in.

How does Commercialism impact daily life?

commercialism impacts daily life by persuading people to get something, it is also a way of advertising.

What was the daily life of ancient Chinese people?

the daily life of Ancient Chinese people was that they loved to farm and grow crops they also had people that built . i hope that i have helped with you're question