There is not 1, but 2 Friday the 13th's next year. Friday, 13 September and Friday, 13 December.
The next Friday the 13th will be September 13, 2013. The last Friday the 13th happened in July 2012.
Today is Friday the 13th, February 13th, 2009, that is!
The next Friday 13 in the calendar year after July 13 2012 is in September 2013.
On the 2nd week of May 2016 is Friday the 13th
4 years from now
2014 is the next Friday the 13th of June
The next Friday the 13th will be September 13, 2013. The last Friday the 13th happened in July 2012.
2021, 2027, 2032
Today is Friday the 13th, February 13th, 2009, that is!
The next time Friday the 13th will fall in March is March 13, 2015.
February 13th falls on a Friday in a common year when February 1st is a Friday. This occurs when there are no leap years between the year in question and the nearest leap year preceding it. For example, February 13th, 2015 fell on a Friday, as the nearest leap year before 2015 was 2012.
June 13 2008 is the last Friday of 2008. The next Friday the 13th after wont be until February 13 of 2009.
The next Friday the 13th after May 2011 is January 2012. 2012 will have three Friday the 13ths, in January, April, and July.
The next Friday 13 in the calendar year after July 13 2012 is in September 2013.
The next time a full moon will occur on Friday the 13th is in August 2049. This is a rare occurrence, happening roughly every 20 years or so.