Oh, what a happy little question! Decimal 57 can be written as the fraction 57/1. You see, a decimal is just a different way of showing a fraction, and in this case, 57 is like having 57 parts out of a total of 1 part. Just remember, there are many ways to express numbers, and each one is a beautiful expression of creativity!
Decimal 57 = 57 which can be written as 57/1.Decimal 57 = 57 which can be written as 57/1.Decimal 57 = 57 which can be written as 57/1.Decimal 57 = 57 which can be written as 57/1.
57%= 0.57 in decimal= 57/100 in fraction
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 57/60 is equal to 0.95.
.57 move decimal two to the right, put it over 100 57/100 simplify
17/57 written as a decimal is 0.298
Decimal 57 = 57 which can be written as 57/1.Decimal 57 = 57 which can be written as 57/1.Decimal 57 = 57 which can be written as 57/1.Decimal 57 = 57 which can be written as 57/1.
57%= 0.57 in decimal= 57/100 in fraction
0.57 is, itself, a fraction. It is a fraction in decimal form rather than in the form of a ratio. However, that does not stop it being a fraction. Its equivalent, in rational form, is 57/100. You cannot simplify this rational fraction.
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 57/60 is equal to 0.95.
.57 move decimal two to the right, put it over 100 57/100 simplify
57/125 written as a decimal is 0.456
17/57 written as a decimal is 0.298
5.7 = 57/10
Decimal Form: 0.57 Fraction Form: 57/100
0.368421053It's one way to express a fraction verbally.If it is indeed the description of a fraction, then the fraction is "21/57",and its decimal value is about 0.3684 (rounded).