4 / 6 = 0.666667Converting the above decimal to a percentage: 0.666667 * 100 = 66.67%
4% in decimal form is: 0.04(4% is 4/100)
no that's just 6 divided by 4 plus you cant divide a percent by a fraction unless you convert both into a decimal. the answer should be .24 because if you convert 1/4 into a decimal its .25 and 6% into a decimal is .06. When you divide .06 (the original 6%) by .25 (the original 1/4 fraction) you get the answer of .24
4.0=decimal. 100%=percent
If that's 7 and 3/4 percent, the decimal is 0.0775
4 / 6 = 0.666667Converting the above decimal to a percentage: 0.666667 * 100 = 66.67%
4 / 6 = 0.666667Converting decimal to a percentage: 0.666667 * 100 = 66.67%
4% as a decimal is 0.04
4% in decimal form is: 0.04(4% is 4/100)
6% is 0.06 as a decimal
no that's just 6 divided by 4 plus you cant divide a percent by a fraction unless you convert both into a decimal. the answer should be .24 because if you convert 1/4 into a decimal its .25 and 6% into a decimal is .06. When you divide .06 (the original 6%) by .25 (the original 1/4 fraction) you get the answer of .24
The decimal notation for 0.6 percent is 0.006
Well how you write 4 percent as a decimal is 0.04
4.0=decimal. 100%=percent
If that's 7 and 3/4 percent, the decimal is 0.0775