It is 0.0000000861
It is equivalent to 0.00031 as a decimal
For a negative power of -k, the equivalent decimal is the decimal point followed by (k-1) zeros followed by 1.Thus 10^-5 = 0.00001
It is already in scientific notation as 4.9*10^8 and it is equivalent to 490,000,000
Because the decimal system is based on 10 ("decem" = 10 )
It is 0.0000000861
a power of 10
It is equivalent to 0.00031 as a decimal
For a negative power of -k, the equivalent decimal is the decimal point followed by (k-1) zeros followed by 1.Thus 10^-5 = 0.00001
If you mean 8.61*10^-8 then it is 0.0000000861
In the decimal system, "f" represents the fifteenth power of ten, which is equivalent to 10^15 or 1,000,000,000,000,000.
It is already in scientific notation as 4.9*10^8 and it is equivalent to 490,000,000
Because the decimal system is based on 10 ("decem" = 10 )
this number is already a decimal if you wanted it in Scientific Notation it would be 5.300 times 10 to the zero power
10 to the 8th power divided by 10 to the 7th power is 10
decimal equivalent to 1.3 = 1.30
If you mean 8.7*10^8 in scientific notation then it is equivalent to 870,000,000