16 over 100 = 16 divided by 100 = 0.16
16/100 = 0.16
8/50 = 16/100 = 0.16 as a decimal
4 / 25 = 0.16Converting the decimal to a percentage: 0.16 * 100 = 16%
32 over 100 in decimal = 0.3232/100:= 32 ÷ 100= 0.32 in decimal
16 over 100 = 16 divided by 100 = 0.16
16/100 = 0.16
16/25 as a percentage = 100*16/25 = 64% As a decimal, 16/25 = 0.64
8/50 = 16/100 = 0.16 as a decimal
16% as decimal = 0.16= 16%/100% = 16/100 = 0.16
64 Over 100 or if simplified it is 16 over 25
Convert it to a decimal, multiply that by 100.
4 / 16 = 0.25Converting the decimal to a percentage: 0.25 * 100 = 25%
16% = 16/100 = 0.16 as a decimal and 16% = 16/100 = 4/25 as a fraction.
160/1000 = 16/100 = 0.16
4 / 25 = 0.16Converting the decimal to a percentage: 0.16 * 100 = 16%
32 over 100 in decimal = 0.3232/100:= 32 ÷ 100= 0.32 in decimal