To get the decimal form of 66%, you put 66 over 100 66 100 which to make into a decimal you divide both the number by 100 to get 0.66.
Expressed as a decimal, 4 66/100 is equal to 4.66.
66/10 or 66%
66.6 repeated percent. .66 in decimal form..
As a fraction: 66/100 As a percentage: 66%
To get the decimal form of 66%, you put 66 over 100 66 100 which to make into a decimal you divide both the number by 100 to get 0.66.
30/66 in decimal form is 45.'45'% recurring decimal '45'
Expressed as a decimal, 4 66/100 is equal to 4.66.
66/10 or 66%
It is: 66 and 2/3% = 2/3 as a fraction and 0.67 as a decimal rounded to two decimal places
66.6 repeated percent. .66 in decimal form..
As a fraction: 66/100 As a percentage: 66%
0.6666 repeating
decimal for 66 = 66.0
66.6666 repeating
66 2/3 and 66.666666666 (I don't know how to do 6 repeating on the computer)