They are actually in decimal format only. In fraction form thy may have been 74/1 and 940/1. However you can use 74.0 and 940.0 if you wish.
What is 7 fourths in a decimal
74% = 0.74
74/180 = 0.4111 ..... recurring 1
74 = 74/1
0.324 repeating
The number 74.3 is already in a decimal form. As a fraction it would be 74 and 3/10.
They are actually in decimal format only. In fraction form thy may have been 74/1 and 940/1. However you can use 74.0 and 940.0 if you wish.
74 = 7,400%
What is 7 fourths in a decimal
74% = 0.740.74
74 / 100 = 0.74
74% = 0.74
Expressed as a decimal, 74 7/8 is equal to 74.875.