Expressed as a proper fraction in its simplest form, 5/95 = 3125/59049 or three thousand one hundred and twenty-five fifty-nine thousand and forty-ninths. Expressed as a decimal, rounded to three significant figures, this is equal to 0.0529.
Nine and five-ninths minus six and five-sixths = 49/18 or 213/18
seven and seven ninths.....or...... seventy ninths
It is 9605.9
5.9 in word form is five point nine (or in some counties "five decimal nine" "or 5 comma nine") or five and nine tenths.
the decimal word form for five dollars and nine cents is: 5.9= five and nine tenths
One whole is nine ninths. Nine ninths minus four ninths equals five ninths.
Expressed as a proper fraction in its simplest form, 5/95 = 3125/59049 or three thousand one hundred and twenty-five fifty-nine thousand and forty-ninths. Expressed as a decimal, rounded to three significant figures, this is equal to 0.0529.
9/9 =1.0
Nine and five-ninths minus six and five-sixths = 49/18 or 213/18
Six billion five hundred seventy-nine million in decimal form is 6,579,000,000
Five decimal nine seven, or five point nine seven.
seven and seven ninths.....or...... seventy ninths