Expressed as a proper fraction in its simplest form, 5/95 = 3125/59049 or three thousand one hundred and twenty-five fifty-nine thousand and forty-ninths. Expressed as a decimal, rounded to three significant figures, this is equal to 0.0529.
Nine and five-ninths minus six and five-sixths = 49/18 or 213/18
seven and seven ninths.....or...... seventy ninths
It is 9605.9
Oh, dude, writing numbers in word form is like the most exciting thing ever. So, 5.9 in word form is "five point nine." Isn't that just mind-blowing? I know, I know, try to contain your excitement.
the decimal word form for five dollars and nine cents is: 5.9= five and nine tenths
One whole is nine ninths. Nine ninths minus four ninths equals five ninths.
Expressed as a proper fraction in its simplest form, 5/95 = 3125/59049 or three thousand one hundred and twenty-five fifty-nine thousand and forty-ninths. Expressed as a decimal, rounded to three significant figures, this is equal to 0.0529.
Nine and five-ninths minus six and five-sixths = 49/18 or 213/18
9/9 =1.0
Six billion five hundred seventy-nine million in decimal form is 6,579,000,000
Five decimal nine seven, or five point nine seven.
seven and seven ninths.....or...... seventy ninths