5 over 6 changed to a decimal is 0.8333 . . .
It is: -6/5 = -1.2 as a decimal
5/6 written as a recurring decimal is 0.83333...
Do this equation.. 5 divided by 6. You will get a decimal in return. (0.83333333333333333333333333333333333333..)
5/6, or as a decimal its .834.
5 over 6 as a decimal would be 0.833 and the three would continue
If you mean: 1/5+6 then its is 6.2 as a decimal
5/6 = .83333333 (3 repeating)
3 over 5 as a decimal is .6.
5 over 6 = 5 ÷ 6 = 0.8333
2 5/6 = 2.8333... ≈ 2.833
0.83333333333333 . . .
It is: 2 and 5/6 = 2.8'3' recurring '3' as a decimal
6/15 which is the same as 2/5 is the equivalent to 0.4 as a decimal