104% is 1.04
Shift 4 decimal places to the left for 77000.0. Then, we have 7.7 x 104.
7/8 = 0.875
45670 would be 4.567 x 104 in scientific notation because the trailing zero is not significant without a decimal point.
.7 (repeating)
104% is 1.04
Shift 4 decimal places to the left for 77000.0. Then, we have 7.7 x 104.
15100.00 = 1.51 * 104 but if it is important to show that the original number was accurate to 2 decimal places, then 1.510000 * 104
Seven and eight tenths can be written as 7.8 in decimal notation.
7/8 = 0.875
10,600 in decimal form (scientific notation) would be: 1.06 x 104
2.200000e+4 mgJust remember that there is one digit to the left of the decimal in scientific notation. All the other digits go on the right of the decimal. Then find an appropriate power of ten to write the rest of the number.Your 22,000 mg is 2.2 x 104 mg in scientific notation.
45670 would be 4.567 x 104 in scientific notation because the trailing zero is not significant without a decimal point.
7/9 = 0.778
.7 (repeating)
1.73 × 104 written in regular notation is 17,300