easy! .075
It means that when the number is divided into nine it comes out as a whole number, or a number that is not a decimal.
It means that the number of decimal digits is finite - that it eventually comes to an end.
.125 is bigger because the first number after the decimal is bigger.
0.3 > 0.075
In order to change 3/40 to a decimal, you would have to divide the numbers. 3 divided by 40 = .075
As a decimal, 75 thousandths is .075
that would be .075 in decimal form
Without a decimal, there is no difference.
easy! .075
Write 543.26 as a sum of decreasing powers of 8. This gives Dec(543.26) = OCT(1037.205 075 341 217 27)
To solve this, first convert 7.5% to a decimal: 7.5% = .075. Next, multiply 17.99 by .075:17.99 x .075 = $1.35So, 7.5% off of $17.99 is $1.35 off, or $17.99 - $1.35 = $16.64