decimal number which is similar to 1/5 = 0.21/5:= 1 ÷ 5= 0.2 in decimal
100% = 1 (whole number)1.0 (decimal number)
It can be any number that you want. A decimal number is simply a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. Thus -7 is a decimal number and 1 - (-7) = 82.3 is a decimal number and 1 - 2.3 = -1.3
The difference is that all whole numbers are decimal numbers, but not all decimal numbers are whole numbers. For example a whole number such as 1 is a decimal number but a decimal number such as 1.5 is not a whole number.
To convert 1% to decimal divide by 100: 1% ÷ 100 = 0.01
decimal number which is similar to 1/5 = 0.21/5:= 1 ÷ 5= 0.2 in decimal
To convert 2,000 pounds into a decimal number, you need to divide 2,000 by an appropriate conversion factor. The appropriate conversion factor for pounds to a decimal number is 1, as 1 pound is equal to itself. So, to convert 2,000 pounds to a decimal number: Decimal number = 2,000 pounds / 1 pound Decimal number = 2,000 Therefore, 2,000 pounds is equal to the decimal number 2,000.
Not necessarily.0.5 < 1 < 1.5 So, the whole number 1 is more than the decimal fraction 0.5 but less than the decimal fraction 1.5 but the decimal fraction 0.5 is less than the whole number 1 while the decimal fraction 1.5 is more than the whole number 1.
A decimal is used when their is a fraction number. Like 1 and 1/2 would be 1(decimal).5
A whole number is a number in which there is no decimal or fraction after the number or the number is a fraction or decimal. ex. ...-2, -1, 0, 1, 2...
100% = 1 (whole number)1.0 (decimal number)
18 is already a decimal number. If you meant 1/8, then this is written in decimal notation as 0.125.
It can be any number that you want. A decimal number is simply a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. Thus -7 is a decimal number and 1 - (-7) = 82.3 is a decimal number and 1 - 2.3 = -1.3
decimal point to the left of the whole number. Example: 1= whole number. Less than 1 as a decimal is .00, .01, 02 etc.
The difference is that all whole numbers are decimal numbers, but not all decimal numbers are whole numbers. For example a whole number such as 1 is a decimal number but a decimal number such as 1.5 is not a whole number.
To convert 1% to decimal divide by 100: 1% ÷ 100 = 0.01
A decimal number would be between 0 and 1. It represents a fraction, or portion, of 1.