98.47 = hundredths98.047 = thousandths98.0047 = ten thousandths98.00047 = hundred thousandths
The decimal number of two and four tenths is: 2.4
The decimal number of seven and four tenths and three hundredths is 7.43
4.9 is the decimal equivalent.
8.6 is rounded to nine because the number after the decimal is greater than four, so the number is rounded higher. If the number after the decimal is five or greater, the number rounds up. If the number after the decimal is four or less, then the number rounds down.
98.47 = hundredths98.047 = thousandths98.0047 = ten thousandths98.00047 = hundred thousandths
It is 98.047
decimal number for three over four = 0.75
the decimal number 75 is equivalent to what base four number
The decimal number of two and four tenths is: 2.4
Well, darling, the number 36.4375 has four decimal places. It's not rocket science, honey, just count those digits after the decimal point. So, in this case, you've got 4 decimal places to work with. Hope that clears things up for you!
The decimal number of seven and four tenths and three hundredths is 7.43
0.017 is a number which is given to 3 decimal places. The equivalent number, at four decimal places, is 0.0170 but any number in the interval (0.0165, 0.0175), when rounded to four decimal places would give 0.017 to three.
4.9 is the decimal equivalent.
8.6 is rounded to nine because the number after the decimal is greater than four, so the number is rounded higher. If the number after the decimal is five or greater, the number rounds up. If the number after the decimal is four or less, then the number rounds down.