71 and 7/10 = 71.7 as a decimal number
Oh, honey, it's simple. One hundred seventy seven thousandths in decimal form is 0.177. Just move that decimal point three places to the left to get those pesky zeros out of the way. Voila! You've got your answer.
Seven and seventy nine one-hundredths would be 7.79.ÊÊ The first digit after the decimal point is called the tenths place value.Ê The second digit tells you how many hundredths there are in the number.
To write the word name for the decimal 70.07, you would start by reading the whole number part, which is 70. This is read as "seventy." Next, you would say "and" to represent the decimal point, followed by the fractional part. In this case, the fractional part is 07, which is read as "seven hundredths." Therefore, the word name for the decimal 70.07 is "seventy and seven hundredths."
71 and 7/10 = 71.7 as a decimal number
76.7 = seventy-six and seven tenths.
You could write seventy-onehundredths (70/100), or you could write point seventy (.70), or you would write seven tenths (7/10), or you could write point seven (.7).
0.77 is pronounced seventy seven hundredths.
Oh, honey, it's simple. One hundred seventy seven thousandths in decimal form is 0.177. Just move that decimal point three places to the left to get those pesky zeros out of the way. Voila! You've got your answer.
0.7 x 0.74 = 0.518
Seventy one hundredths as a decimal is 0.71.
Two million, two hundred nineteen thousand, seven hundred seventy-six point seven two.or... Two million, two hundred nineteen thousand, seven hundred seventy-six and seventy-two hundredths
seventy seven quintillion, seven hundred seventy seven quadrillion, seven hundred seventy seven trillion, seven hundred seventy seven billion, sevenhundred seventy seven million, seven hundred seventy seven thousand, seven hundred seventy seven. :-)
Seventy-three and seven hundred seventy-four thousandths