0007 in Scientific Notation = 0.007 x 103
The word form of the decimal number 0.000354 is: three hundred fifty-four millionths.
The word decimal comes from ten. So without the number 10, decimal would have no meaning.
No, "is" is a two-character word.
The number .0007 is seven ten-thousandths.
0007 in Scientific Notation = 0.007 x 103
81.8887 = 80 + 1 + 0.8 + 0.08 + 0.008 + 0007 ( in expanded decimal form)
when we place point in a number we call it decimal
The word form of the decimal number 0.000354 is: three hundred fifty-four millionths.
The phone number of the Salem Museum is: 978-744-0007.
Be sure you put the decimal point in the right spot. The decimal in that number is after the 2.
In terms of mathematics, there is no difference between 0007 and 7; putting zeroes at the left of a number has no mathematical meaning. Now if you had asked about 007, that would be different; James Bond is secret agen 007 (according to Ian Fleming, at least).
The word decimal comes from ten. So without the number 10, decimal would have no meaning.
No, "is" is a two-character word.