59% as a decimal is 0.59
59%= 0.59 in decimal= 59/100 in fraction
59% is 59/100 as a fraction, and 0.59 as a decimal.
0.59 is the decimal.
Then x = 111.864 rounded to 3 decimal places
59% as a decimal is 0.59
59%= 0.59 in decimal= 59/100 in fraction
59% is 59/100 as a fraction, and 0.59 as a decimal.
Rounded to two decimal places, 55/59 x 100 = 93.22 percent. Therefore, 55 is approximately 93.22 percent of 59.
0.59 is the decimal.
It is: 31.2/59 times 100 = 52.88% to two decimal places
It is: 3/59 times 100 = 5.085% rounded to three decimal places
move the decimal point two places to the right. - 59%
To change a percent into a decimal, drop the percent sign, and move the decimal two places to the right. For example, 59% is equal to 0.59.
Then x = 111.864 rounded to 3 decimal places
fraction: 59/200 decimal: 0.295 Percentages are equal to 1/100ths. 29.5/100 = 59/200 (multiple by 2/2) 29.5/100 = 0.295
once you have the percentage of a number you turn it into a decimal and multiply it by 360. for example. if your percent is 36% you make that .36 which is the decimal form of that percent as well as .59 is the decimal form for 59%. so next you multiply .36 by 360 360 x .36= 129.6 which is your degree.