Equivalent decimals means that two decimal are having the same value.
It would be the value of the decimal increased by 30%.
decimal value of 115.9 percent is 1.159.
0.01 is one hundredth. 0.001 is one thousandth.
The decimal that shows the most place value.
The word form for 1.19 is: one and nineteen hundredths.
The decimal value is "twelve thousandths." It may also be expressed as "zero point zero one two."
the place value after a decimal point is tenths
Equivalent decimals means that two decimal are having the same value.
decimal value for 0.0658 = ten thousandths
It would be the value of the decimal increased by 30%.
decimal value of 115.9 percent is 1.159.
35 IS a decimal. And the value of 35 c, as a decimal, depends on the value of c.
0.01 is one hundredth. 0.001 is one thousandth.
The value of 2.4 in a decimal fraction is: 22/5
(f) What is the exact value (in decimal) of giga?
The decimal that shows the most place value.