rel·e·van·cy (rl-vn-s) n. pl.rel·e·van·cies 1. One that is relevant.
2. Relevance; pertinence.
Significance, effectiveness, relevancy
applicability, application, appositeness, bearing, concernment, congruity, germaneness, importance, materiality, pertinency, purpose, relevancy
Yes, that can be considered the definition of a parallelogram.Yes, that can be considered the definition of a parallelogram.Yes, that can be considered the definition of a parallelogram.Yes, that can be considered the definition of a parallelogram.
definition badia
give the definition of an andle
The head office of The Relevancy Group is located in New Jersey, US. The exact address for the head office of The Relevancy Group is 1010 Shenandoah Drive, Spring Lake, NJ 07762.
Authority, Relevancy and Popularity
Significance, effectiveness, relevancy
Unique behaviour or character to the brand.
relevancy of political culture
The articles contribute to the relevancy of a given topic through its analysis. Most articles would analyze a given topic and provide sufficient information on the same.
A relevancy statement in an informative speech is a sentence or two that connects the topic of the speech to the audience's interests, needs, or experiences. It helps establish a context for why the information being presented is important or beneficial for the listeners. The relevancy statement aims to engage the audience and demonstrate the relevance and significance of the topic.
the relevancy of red tape is so its stops people gettin jelous over another type of colour cos thts racist. and i have aids so i will be dead soon. (like jade goody)
Timelessness, universal themes, communication across cultures, relevancy.
My first paper for this semester in college is based off the relevancy of social, living, writing standards in The Book Of Margery Kempe (1373-1438, Norfolk, England) based off today's standards. (As in, is it relevant or not?) I have never done a paper such as this and need a couple tips or hints on how to begin a paper based off of relevancy.
We are too worldly and materialistic!!
Data relevancy refers to the extent to which data is applicable and useful to a particular situation, question, or decision-making process. Relevant data is information that directly contributes to achieving the desired outcome or addressing a specific need, making it crucial for effective analysis and decision-making.